"Закрыли" крупнейший американский сайт пиратов.
"Закрыли" крупнейший американский сайт пиратов. был "закрыт", точнее были убраны все ссылки на скачивание кряков к играм и программам. можно увидесть следующее сообщение: The domain and web site were surrendered to U.S. law enforcement pursuant to a federal prosecution and felony plea agreement for conspiracy to violate criminal copyright laws. James Marshall, a.k.a “rinze” pled guilty in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia on March 26, 2010, to conspiring with others to violate federal copyright laws by illegally providing and distributing warez. While not available to the general NFOHUMP member base, the management and a select group of "VIP" members were provided unlimited access to privately owned SFTP trackers. Marshall and his co-conspirators - namely Martin Andersham, aka 'hor...